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Specifically designed for the girls looking to learn new tricks and turn the mountain into their personal playground. The Gullwing Rocker will provide the support and pop needed for jumps, while maintaining a perfect flex for impressive pro like nose or tail presses.
Special Features: POWERCORE
ROCKER: A hybrid camber profile in a league of its own, Gullwing offers the best of both worlds for the all- mountain destroyer. The positive camber under each foot supplies riders with the response they know and love while the reverse camber shape in the center allows you to experience unparalleled float in the powder, as well as superb press-ability in the park.
DESIRE PROFILE This Board can handle any type of terrain you drop into – that is what they were designed to do. From the groomers, to waist deep powder slashes, to all day park laps, these boots were specifically constructed to give you the stability, flex, and response you need for whatever you feel like riding on any given day.
DESIRE FEEL Our most versatile flex pattern, combining Nitro’s signature pop with smooth response, allowing you to tear up the entire mountain.
BI-LITE LAMINATES FORGIVING AND STRONG – Our rider-trusted Bi-Lite Laminates are engineered for unrivaled strength, powerful style and refined board-feel.
PREMIUM EXTRUDED FH BASE EASY AND VERSATILE &amp;ndash; Durability, speed and low maintenance all in one ultra clear base material - our FH Base takes the abuse of rail and urban riding like no other.&lt;/p&gt;</p>
Nitro a fost fondat in 1989 in Seattle, Statele Unite, de doi snowboarderi cu experienta, Tommy Delago si Sepp Ardelt. De-a lungul timpului, Nitro a avut ca scop principal sa se dedice pietei de snowboard la cel mai inalt nivel si este in continuare condusa de cei doi rideri si pentru viitor isi propun sa mentina aceste principii sis a continue sa progreseze in sport cu produse care combina tehnologia inovativa, designul si materialele revolutionare.
Cu birouri in Elvetia, Germania, Italia, Norvegia si Canada, Nitro este o firma internationala, astfel ca produsele sunt dezvoltate pentru a se potrivi pentru orice segment de piata. Majoritatea cercetarilor se fac in Germania, la Oberammergay, acolo unde sunt testate imediat pe partiile din apropiere, iar biroul din Salt Lake City se ocupa cel mai mult de partea grafica.
Nitro ofera o gama foarte variata de modele de snowboard, oferindu-le riderilor de toate varstele si abilitatile exact ce isi doresc – de la freestyle la all mountain. Nitro vrea sa ofere tot ce e mai bun de peste 20 de ani si isi propun sa faca acest lucru in continuare si sa nu faca rabat de la calitate si aspect.
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